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The implantology is a solution for all kinds of toothlessness. Implants are installed in case one or more teeth are missing or in a case of people who are not satisfied with their denture. A dental implant is essentially a substitute for a natural root and commonly it is screw or cylinder shaped. Each implant is placed into a socket carefully at the precise location of the intended tooth. Often the implant can be placed at the same time as removal of the tooth, all on the same day.

A dental implant looks and functions just like a natural tooth but can never get a cavity! The most common alternative to a dental implant is a tooth-supported fixed bridge, which is a prosthetic tooth supported by the teeth on either side of it. One major disadvantage of a bridge is that it requires the adjacent teeth be ground down in order to support the cemented bridge. Additionally, with a bridge or with no treatment at all, some of the bone that previously surrounded a missing tooth begins to deteriorate because the root is no longer stimulating and stabilizing the bone. If your bone does begin to deteriorate without a root, your other teeth can shift, which will affect the aesthetics of your smile and the mechanics of your bite. Dental implants actually integrate with your jawbone, helping to keep your bone healthy and intact.

Therefore, benefits of dental implants for missing teeth are numerous:

  • Long-term solution to problems caused by missing or failing teeth

  • Restore the healthy function and appearance of lost natural teeth

  • Eat, chew, speak and  smile with confidence again

  • More secure alternatives to dentures

  • No need for invasive bridgework involving the grinding down of healthy teeth structure.

RTG diagnostics, analysis and the planning of the treatment

First, it is necessary to do a detailed diagnostics (2D orthopantomogram, CT 3D) and a detailed examination of the oral cavity just as the condition of the jaw bone. Only with 3D x ray, which we have available in our practice, it is possible to make a detailed plan of the implant procedure since it offers us a 3D image, a layered representation (a bone cross-section up to 0.5 mm) and simple image editing. After an elaborate analysis of the planned procedure, the dentist suggests a corresponding implant therapy to the patient.


Surgical implant installment within a single appointment.

The very procedure of implant installment in the bone structure is done in a single visit to the dental center under the anesthesia, quickly and painlessly. The implant procedure is usually done with local anesthetic, but nervous patients can take sedatives. The implant placement surgery itself only takes 20-40 minutes and is done with high-quality equipment and high standards of hygiene. During treatment sessions, patients can relax and listen to music. If there is not enough bone to support the implants, the oral surgeon will place a bone graft – a simple procedure that adds bone from another source to provide a strong foundation for the implant. For upper jaw, if the tooth has been missing for a longer period, sinus lift may need to be lifted. Patients will receive a written guarantee and other documentation on the implant


Attachment of the implant to the bone cells

Once the implant has been placed, then it is waited for the implant itself to fuse with your bone until it is permanently stable. It takes at least two to three months for the completion of the process of osseointegration, and sometimes even more. The patient, however, has a temporary prosthetic replacement which serves until the permanent prosthetic is installed after the osseointegration period is over.

Taking impression and making the final prosthetic replacement for implants

Once the implant is completely fused with your natural bone (3-6 months), it is time for the restorative component.



​The restorative components of implant treatment for missing teeth typically include:

  • Implant Fixture: The titanium post or screw that is surgically inserted into the jawbone, acting as the root of the artificial tooth.

  • Abutment: A connector piece that is attached to the implant fixture, serving as the intermediary between the implant and the final prosthetic tooth.

  • Crown: The prosthetic tooth that is placed on top of the abutment, designed to match the appearance and function of a natural tooth. 

  • Bridge: Used when multiple teeth are missing, a dental bridge can be anchored by implants to replace several teeth in a row.

  • Denture: For patients missing many or all of their teeth, implant-supported dentures can be secured to implants, providing greater stability compared to traditional dentures.

These components work together to restore the function and aesthetics of missing teeth. The specifics of this will depend on how many teeth are being replaced by implant supported prostheses.

ONE TOOTH MISSING:  If you have only one tooth missing, the implant is the best solution since in that case we conserve the surrounding healthy teeth which would have to be drilled if you were to install a classic bridge. Also, the implant represents a long-term solution of a higher quality than a classic bridge.

MORE TEETH MISSING ON ONE SIDE: If you have more than one tooth missing, we do bridges on the implants, where the implants serve as the support for the bridges. They are the most natural replacement for your natural teeth. In this way, we avoid the mobile prosthetic solutions and preserve the natural teeth. At the same time, the patients get a more natural and more comfortable replacement which functions as the natural teeth, which helps with one’s self-confidence and personal satisfaction.

ALL TEETH MISSING: Many patients who have lost all of their teeth in the lower jaw cannot wear a classic denture.

For these patients, we recommend cover denture (overdenture) with two installed implants in the front region on which the special abutments are placed (Locator or Ball Abutment) whose main aim is to stabilize the denture and make it highly functional.

Patients whose bone structure is weak and who do not fulfill he conditions for getting the implants in the lateral dental region are recommended to get a Hybrid bridge with a super-construction on four implants

The appointment is usually less than two hours long. Strenuous work and exercise should be avoided, but most patients are able to return to work the day after their implant procedure. For the first 24 hours, it might be wise to have only soft foods or liquids and avoid anything extremely hot, extremely cold, spicy or rough.

For the intervention of implants placement, it is necessary to stay two days in Montenegro. The first day implants are placed and checked on the following day within 24 hours.The duration of the operation is 20 min to 1h30 min, depending on the number of implants placed. After 3 -6 months from implant placement, when an implant is fused with the bone, the crown is done.   To create crown(s) on implants is necessary from 5 to 7 days in Montenegro.

Dental implants are placed patient’s jaw bone by surgical interventions which are realized with local anesthesia around 20 minutes per implant which the patient is not put to sleep. The local anesthesia, which is applied for a simple filling, will be realized. THE OPERATION IS COMPLETELY PAINLESS.

The implantology is recommended for everyone from twenty (when the development of the jaws and facial bones has already finished) to the elder age. An ideal patient is a patient of good health, both the general and dental one. People with chronic diseases, with high blood pressure, diabetes or similar conditions can only become a patient if their disease is under medical control. If the preparations are carefully done the complications occur rarely. There is a possibility of infections in the case of a bad oral hygiene, right after the procedure or within the first month. It can happen that the body rejects the implants, but it is a rare occurrence. Smokers, however, represent a risky group where the chances of success are reduced for 10 to 20 per cent, as a consequence of the toxic influence of nicotine and high temperature in the mouth during the phase of healing, but also as a consequence of tar settling due to a bad oral hygiene.

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